Children with delayed or defective speech: Motor-kinesthetic factors in their training by Sara M. Stinchfield, Edna Hill Young
Children with delayed or defective speech: Motor-kinesthetic factors in their training by Sara M. Stinchfield, Edna Hill Young PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Here is a technical work on delayed speech development and the practical therapy for overcoming it used in the Hill-Young School of Speech. In the therapy, interest is centered on speech movements and word patterns. The appendix provides numerous illustrations showing what is meant by this technic." --JAMA, 113(9) "Here is a book destined to become a handbook for every teacher of speech correction. More than that, it is a book that should be in the hands of all elementary school teachers and parents of children who have delayed or defective speech." --Western Speech "This is not merely another book on speech defects. It is a work of merit, combining as it does the contributions of a well-known speech pathologist and those of a practical nursery school teacher. The method presented demands the serious consideration of every teacher of speech." --The Volta Review "This book should be of interest and value not only to persons interested in speech training but also to medical men and particularly to the pediatrician." --Medical Times "I think it is an excellent book, and am having several copies purchased for our Board of Education Library. I am also placing it on a list of recommended books for our speech correction teachers." --Margaret E. Hall, Speech Pathologist, Board of Education, Chicago "There is no doubt that this book fills a need that has long been apparent in the field of speech. Our students, I know, will find the book to be of immeasurable worth in the field of speech correction." --Magdalene Kramer, Assistant Professor of Speech, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityFrom reader reviews:
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