A Textbook of In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction: The Bourn Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice
A Textbook of In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction: The Bourn Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This major book - known as 'The Bourn Hall Textbook' - evolved from teaching courses held at this prestigious Clinic - one of the birthplaces of IVF and clinical reproductive medicine. The content is comprehensive: covering assessment of the infertile couple and both laboratory and clinical aspects of assisted reproductive technologies. The emphasis throughout is on the practical management of patients undergoing assisted conception treatment. The third edition is a complete update of the field including expanded sections on newer technologies such as GIFT and ICSI. The book is authored largely by current or previous members of the Bourne Hall staff, with additional material from leading international authorities. The Bourn Hall Procedures, Protocols and Information Sheets - previously published as an Appendix - are now included on CD-ROM for ease of adaptation for local use.From reader reviews:
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