Wednesday, July 30, 2014

PDF⋙ Premeditated Love 2: A Bwwm Romance (Volume 2) by T.C. Walker

Premeditated Love 2: A Bwwm Romance (Volume 2) by T.C. Walker

Premeditated Love 2: A Bwwm Romance (Volume 2)

Premeditated Love 2: A Bwwm Romance (Volume 2) by T.C. Walker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The unconventional drama filled romance between Chantel and Jaxsen picks up where it left off in book one. Some things are explained and many others are revealed. Their life together as husband and wife begins as plenty do after they decide to elope in Las Vegas. Holding true to its mantra of “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, their happily ever after ends there. A life changing event seems to humble the beast within him, for a while at least. But as it has been before, they climb over one mountain after the other built on top of lies he’s told and a past he tried to hide in their pursuit of happiness. Only for it all to end up back where it started, with the ever present equivocator and dodger of truth himself, Jaxsen Kilpatrick. It has been proven that you can never really tame a wild beast. It’s best to let them be who they naturally are and set them free. In the end, that may be the only thing that can save them. In this BWWM Romance you will have to hold on to your seats.

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